Chih-Ching LIU/Conductor
美國新英格蘭音樂院小提琴演奏碩士。其教學經驗超過30年,旅居加拿大期間,學生參加多項比賽中多次奪魁,包括 Kiwanis 總冠軍及最高榮譽獎,以及加拿大音樂大賽(CMC)的優異成績。 回台後,積極參與音樂教育工作,學生均有優異表現。並於2017年獲邀至北京中央音樂學院附中擔任客座教授,其活潑且深入淺出的教學風格多獲好評。 基於教育工作的熱愛並不止局限於小提琴教學,其室內樂的訓練、樂團指揮的能力,也多次在各種比賽中獲得優異的成績。
Master Degree, New England Conservatory of MusicMasters Degree of Violin Performance. Has over 30 years of teaching experiences, during his stay in Canada, his students had participated in various competitions including Kiwanis and Canadian Music Competition (CMC) and won first place several times.
After returning to Taiwan, he actively participated in music education and his students have outstanding performances, such as, admitting to Hochschule fuer Musik und Tanz Koeln, and Champion of High School Professional Team, NTD AP Music Competition. In 2017, he was invited to Beijing’ s Central Conservatory of Music Middle School as a visiting professor. His lively and in-depth teaching style has been positively recognized.
Given that his passion for education is not limited to violin teaching, his ability for chamber music training and orchestra conducting have also been proved by achieving a remarkable score in many inter-school competitions.