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Artist Director
Dr. Han-Ming Eric HUANG
Founder and Artistic Director of MoonString Symphony Orchestra


小提琴家黃瀚民出生於台灣桃園,6 歲習鋼琴,10 歲開始學小提琴,就讀光仁中學音樂班、輔仁大學音樂系、美國伊斯曼音樂院碩士、明尼蘇達大學博士。先後師事:張弘人、V. Tyspin、顏丁科、S. Homer、宗緒嫻、C. Tait、L.Blakeslee 與 Young-Nam Kim 等 老 師, 博 士 學 位 後 也 曾 向 大 師 V.Pikaizen 與 V. Paraschkevov 學習。17 歲獲第一屆台北市立交響樂團協奏曲大賽第二名,由北市交協奏演出《聖桑第三號小提琴協奏曲》,大學時代學術科常為全系第一名,並榮獲十次慈濟藝術獎學金,就讀伊斯曼音樂院獲 Starling 基金會獎學金。

2002 率福爾摩沙青年交響樂團於紐約林肯中心 Alice Tully Hall 以及馬里蘭大學協奏演出《蕭士塔高維契第一號小提琴協奏曲》

2004 與古典管弦樂團協奏演出《布拉姆斯小提琴協奏曲》

2007 擔任樂興之時管絃樂團首席巡迴歐洲義大利、德國演出

2008 率樂亮青少年絃樂團於美國洛杉磯與日本仙台、沖繩交流演出

2010 受中山大學巴洛克式內樂團之邀,擔任客席首席,在上海世博會演出

2011 受小提琴家胡乃元先生之邀擔任 TC(Taiwan Connection) 樂團第二部小提琴首席

2011、2012年 由樂亮靑少年絃樂團於國家音樂廳協奏演出Saint-Saëns《第三號小提琴協奏曲》及Shostakovich《第一號小提琴協奏曲》

2014、2015年 陸續於台北國家演奏廳舉辦個人獨奏會

2014、2015 年與鋼琴家林慧珍與大提琴家孫瑋獲邀到中國河南鄭州藝術中心舉辦鋼琴三重奏音樂會

2016 與樂亮管絃樂團協奏演出《西貝流士小提琴協奏曲》

12 月舉辦「黃瀚民歸國 20 週年音樂會」,由樂亮管絃樂團協奏演出《拉威爾—吉普賽人》

2018 12月發行黃瀚民小提琴演奏專輯【母親‧土地‧愛】

2019 受邀與台北市民交響樂團協奏演出《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》(小提琴 + 古箏版本)由作曲家何占豪老師擔任指揮演出



Dr. Han-Ming “Eric” Huang, Founder and Artistic Director of MoonString Symphony Orchestra. He received his master's degree in violin performance from Eastman School of Music and a doctorate degree from the University of Minnesota. Notable instructors include Hong-Ren Zhang, V. Tyspin, Ding-Ke Yan, S. Homer, Xu-Xian Zong, C. Tait, L. Blakeslee, and Young-Nam Kim. After obtaining his terminal degree, Dr. Huang studied with virtuosos such as V. Pikaizen and V. Paraschkevov. In 2002, Dr. Huang led the Formosa Youth Symphony Orchestra in its Alice Tully Hall performance at Lincoln Center in New York City, and performed Violin Concerto No. 1 (Shostakovich) in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland. Here are some other notable accomplishments of Dr. Huang: In 2004, performed Violin Concerto (Brahms) with the Classical Symphony Orchestra. In 2007, went on a concert tour to Italy and Germany as the concert master of Philharmonia Moments Musicaux. In 2008, led the Moonstring Symphony Orchestra to Los Angeles, USA; Senday, Japan; and Okinawa, Japan for exchange performances. In 2010, was invited by Zhongshan University Baroque Chamber Ensemble to be the substitute concert master and performed at the Shanghai World Expo. In 2011, accepted an invitation from violin master Nai-Yuan Hu to be second violin principal for the Taiwan Connection Ensemble. In 2014 and 2015, was invited to the cultural center in Henan, Zhengzhou, China to give a piano trio recital. In 2016, performed Violin Concerto (Sibelius) with the Moonstring Symphony Orchestra. In 2018, was invited by a guzheng artist to perform The Lark Ascending (Vaughan Williams). In December of the same year, Dr. Huang gave a recital for his twentieth anniversary of returning to his homeland, performing Tzigane (Ravel) with the Moonstring Symphony Orchestra. In 2019, was invited to perform The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto (violin with guzheng edition) with the Taipei Civic Symphony Orchestra with conductor/composer Zhan-Hao He.

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