MoonString Symphony Orchestra
2003年1月,【樂亮】創團半年後初試啼聲,於桃園市平鎮婦幼館的創團音樂會,一鳴驚人。同年7月躍上國家音樂廳,舉辦「迸發的訊息」音樂會。精湛的演出,觀眾如癡如醉,深受各界好評。樂亮成立十年以來,演出邀約不斷,2007年正式跨入國際舞台,該年8月,【樂亮】與古典騎士管絃樂團以及美國 Clap & Tap Chamber Orchestra,參與日本沖繩青少年文化交流聯合音樂會,讓日本觀眾大為驚艷,日本仙台市以及沖繩政府紛紛邀請三團參加2008年8月音樂節,促進台、美、日三國文化交流,接著展開為期20天,三國四地巡迴音樂會。2009年4月,樂亮受敏盛醫院之邀,舉辦「關懷弱勢兒童音樂會」,把音符化成愛,散撥於世界角落。7月與古典騎士管絃樂團聯合舉辦暑期室內樂夏令營暨音樂會。2009起連續三年,受行政院客委會之邀,舉辦「桐花祭戶外音樂會」,觀眾逐年呈倍數成長;並從2010年起,舉辦經常性的協奏曲音樂會,5月於新竹市立演藝廳舉行「蓄勢.待發」樂亮v.s.古典騎士2010年度協奏曲盛會,廣受大眾好評與熱烈迴響;2012年7月再度於新竹市立演藝廳舉行「幾匹馬力」協奏曲新銳盛會。2011及2012年樂團連續兩年於國家音樂廳舉辦年度音樂會「四季.新世界」、「Compassion.Con Passione」,2014年於國家演奏廳舉辦三場系列音樂會「黃瀚民小提琴獨奏會-變」、「友藝鋼琴三重奏-春風隨想」、「十年魔一劍」以及2015年「黃瀚民小提琴獨奏會-變1944」、樂團年度音樂會「無聲不歌、無動不舞」、「樂亮青少年絃樂團系列音樂會——大師風采」。2016年於新莊文化藝術中心舉辦「協奏曲音樂會」,2017年於中壢藝術館舉辦樂亮管絃樂團創團音樂會《Apotheosis of the Dance》、樂亮管絃樂團夏季音樂會《Nostalgic Romance》。
MoonString Symphony Orchestra was founded by violin virtuoso, Dr. Han-Ming Eric Huang, in his hometown of Taoyuan, Taiwan. The orchestra was previously known MoonString Youth String Orchestra since its inception in the year 2002. The principal violin players of the ensemble are Dr. Huang’s students, who won major violin competitions in the Republic of China. The orchestra’s performance skills and magnificent music are highly-recognized and greatly appreciated by professional musicians and erudite audiences. In the past 16 years, MoonString has held over 70 concerts and performed at National Music Hall and major performing art centers in Taiwan. In 2006 and 2008, the orchestra toured and performed in Los Angels, USA and Okinawa, Sendai, Japan. Local newspapers and press in these municipalities provided warm receptions and positive press coverage.
Currently, Dr. Han-Ming Eric Huang is shaping MoonString into a leading 21st -century, contemporary youth ensemble. He and composer Dr. Chihchun Chi-sun Lee, The Guggenheim Fellow and the second-time Harvard Fromm Foundation Commission grant winner, have the same goals, to bring contemporary elements and techniques, as well as incorporating a touch of fun attributes for the orchestra to bridge between young musicians and modern music. MoonString has been commissioned to Dr. Lee to compose “The Psalms of Formosa.” and play it at 2019 SCL String Orchestra Competition. In this piece, the composer will utilize various traditional music from indigenous Formosan aboriginal tribes who have not yet received government recognition (such as the Oponoho tribe, the Kungadavane tribe, and the Teldreka tribe). In addition to Taiwanese traditional Hok-lo and Hakka folklore, MoonString is honored to display the variety of Taiwan music styles to the world. In the future, MoonString Symphony Orchestra will dedicate itself as a home to nurture modern young musicians, and create soul-touching music for fans and people everywhere.